These 7 Foods Make Your Gut Really Happy

These 7 Foods Make Your Gut Really Happy


Ready to improve your overall wellbeing through gut health? We’re going dive into the intricate workings of our digestive system in this post, and we’ll take a look at the amazing benefits of achieving a balanced gut flora. 

First, we’ll uncover how psyllium can restore balance to your gut microbiome and its connection to athletic performance. Then, we’ll explore how artichokes contribute to good gut health, focusing on key compounds like inulin and naren, which have a positive impact on bifidobacterium levels.

The restorative properties of bone broth will also be discussed, including its ability to reduce inflammation and strengthen intestinal junctions. Additionally, we’ll highlight the unique benefits of flax seeds, a food that impacts insulin sensitivity through bacterial alteration.

We’ll look closely at the ways ginger can help produce stomach acid, and how garlic’s antibacterial and antifungal properties can reduce the overgrowth of pathogens and help balance Candida albicans, a common yeast in the gut.

Last but not least, we will discuss fermented foods and their profound effect on microbiota diversity. Fermented foods are one of the cornerstones of maintaining optimal gut health. Get ready for an enlightening exploration of the best foods for gut health!


The Role of Psyllium in Gut Health

Psyllium, made from the husks of the Plantago ovata plant’s seeds, is like a superhero for your gut. It swoops in to restore balance to your gut microbiome, fighting off the bad guys and boosting the good guys.

How psyllium saves the day

A healthy gut needs a diverse mix of bacteria. But sometimes, things get out of whack due to illness or a diet heavy on junk food. Psyllium serves as a smorgasbord for beneficial gut bacteria, providing the dietary fiber they require to proliferate and oust undesirable organisms.

Plus, psyllium’s soluble fibers get fermented by these good bacteria, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate. These SCFAs have anti-inflammatory powers and keep your colon happy. Talk about a win-win! 

Boost your gut, boost your game

Having a healthy gut isn’t just about better digestion. It could also give you an athletic edge. A research paper released in Nature Medicine journal uncovered that athletes possess a higher amount of microorganisms that generate butyrate than non-athletes. So, if you want to reach peak physical prowess, fuel up with psyllium and other fiber-rich foods! Your gut will thank you, and your performance might just skyrocket.


Artichoke’s Contribution to Gut Health

Not only are artichokes delicious, but they also offer incredible benefits for gut health due to their inulin and naren content – two nutritional superstars that give your digestive system a boost.

The Power of Inulin and Naren in Artichokes

Inulin, a fancy dietary fiber found in artichokes, is like a VIP pass for good bacteria in your gut. It acts as a prebiotic, giving those friendly microorganisms a feast. According to research published by NCBI, inulin can increase the population of bifidobacteria, which are known for their antioxidant effects and impact on overall wellness.

Artichokes also have naren, a mysterious compound that hasn’t been fully studied yet. Exciting early research suggests that naren, like inulin, has powerful benefits for your gut health, too.

Antioxidant Effects of Bifidobacterium

When you eat artichokes and increase your bifidobacterium levels, you’re also boosting the action of antioxidants in the body. ScienceDirect has shown that these bacteria produce antioxidants during fermentation, helping to fight off oxidative stress in your body.

By consuming artichokes regularly, you can not only improve your gut health but also boost your overall well-being. To get the most out of this superfood, try adding fresh or canned artichokes to salads, soups, or even dips. Next time you’re at the grocery store, don’t forget to grab some of these deliciously healthy veggies. They might just become your new favorite addition to your meal plans!


Bone Broth: Your Gut’s Best Friend

When it comes to gut health, bone broth is the real MVP. This ancient elixir has been cherished across different cultures for centuries thanks to its amazing health benefits. The benefits of bone broth come from its powerful combination of high levels of gelatin and glutamine.  

Bone Broth vs. Inflammation

Gelatin, derived from collagen in animal bones, skin, and connective tissues, kicks inflammation’s backside. It seals holes in your intestines, preventing leaky gut syndrome and keeping fluid within your digestive tract. This aids in smooth food movement and nutritional absorption, which can be beneficial for those who suffer from autoimmune disorders and allergies. 

Glutamine, another amazing compound found in bone broth, also fights against inflammation. This amino acid nourishes intestinal cells and fortifies the intestinal lining, keeping harmful bacteria and toxins from entering your bloodstream. 

How Bone Broth Strengthens Intestinal Junctions

Bone broth also reinforces intestinal junctions, the minuscule portals between the intestines and the rest of the body. These junctions play an essential role in nutrient absorption. Weak or damaged intestinal junctions can contribute to an array of health issues. Regular bone broth consumption can help maintain their integrity, optimizing your digestion process. 

Bone broth isn’t just a digestion wizard. It’s a nutritional multitasker, which can serve as the cornerstone of a healthy diet: it boosts immunity, improves joint health, and even aids sleep!


The Unique Power of Flax for Gut Health

Flax seeds are tiny nutritional powerhouses for the gut! Packed with soluble and insoluble fiber, they promote diversity in your gut microbiome. In addition, this multitasking seed improves insulin sensitivity by changing your resident bacteria. 

Soluble and Insoluble Fiber

Gut health needs both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber feeds the good bacteria, while insoluble fiber keeps things moving smoothly. Flax seeds have it all: 20-40% of your recommended daily soluble fiber, and 60-80% of the insoluble fiber you need. 

Insulin Sensitivity Superpowers

Flax seeds aren’t just fiber champions; they also boost metabolic well-being. By changing your resident bacteria, they improve insulin sensitivity. The lignans in flaxseeds are also linked to better glucose metabolism. Studies have even shown that individuals with obesity who ate ground flaxseed had improved insulin resistance. 

Here are some tips for adding these nutritional gems to your diet:

  • Add flaxseeds to smoothies or yogurt for extra crunch.
  • Mix them into oatmeal or cereal for a fiber boost.
  • Get creative and use ground flaxseeds as an egg substitute when baking.
  • Grind flaxseeds’ tough outer shells to help your body to break them down more effectively. 

By incorporating flax into your diet, you’ll not only diversify your meals but also give your gut some much-needed love!

Ginger To The Gut Rescue

Not only does ginger add zing to most culinary dishes, baked goods, and herbal teas, it provides serious benefits to the body and the gut.

Increased production of stomach acid

Acidic gastric “juices” are responsible for breaking down food and killing bacteria, among other things. Without them, digestion just doesn’t happen! Ginger has been shown to aid in the production of stomach acids, which can give your digestive process a boost.

Increased gut motility

What’s gut motility, you ask? It’s the rate at which food exits the stomach and continues on the digestive path. Ginger increases this rate, which means you won’t have as much food lingering in the stomach, fermenting and causing bloating and gas. Ginger keeps things moving along!

Along with other benefits in the body like anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and anti-microbial properties, ginger is truly a powerhouse of powerful compounds. So slice it, dice it, mince it, or crush it—find creative ways to add a bit of ginger to your food!


Garlic: An Everyday Gut Hero

Just like the noble artichoke mentioned above, garlic is high in inulin—that fancy dietary fiber your gut loves. But the benefits don’t stop there!

Rich in fructooligosaccharides (FOS)

Another dietary fiber, FOS’s feed the good bacteria in the gut and have been shown to reduce digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea.

Antibacterial and antifungal properties

While the fiber in garlic feeds the good bacteria, it’s the allicin that destroys the bad bacteria and opportunistic fungi and keeps your gut safe! This protective compound also gives garlic its distinctive smell, so next time you get a whiff of garlic’s unmistakable fragrance, show some gratitude for all it does for your insides.

Just remember, the amazing allicin in garlic develops 10 to 15 minutes after the cell walls are crushed. This means you’ll need to wait that amount of time before eating it to get the maximum benefits!


Fermented Foods And Their Effect On Microbiota Diversity

The human gut contains trillions of microbes, known as the microbiota. These little guys are the life of the gut and play a big role in our health. Adding fermented foods to your diet can help you maintain an active and diverse microbiota.

Incorporating Fermented Food into Daily Diet

So, what are fermented foods? They’re foods that have gone through a process called lactofermentation. This process not only preserves the food but also creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics like Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

Examples of lactofermented foods include kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Adding these goodies to your daily diet is as easy as tossing some sauerkraut or kimchi into your salad, or sipping on a glass of kombucha or kefir with your dinner.

Benefits Derived from a Diverse Microbial Population

Having a diverse gut microbiome helps with digestion, boosts the immune system, and even positively affects your mood. 

Studies show that people who regularly chow down on fermented foods have a more diverse gut flora. This means better nutrient absorption, improved digestion, stronger immunity, and an overall healthier body. 

Fermented foods may also help to calm down inflammation in the body. Research suggests that the probiotics found in yogurt can help keep inflammation in check. It’s as easy as adding a yogurt to your lunch to increase your intake of fermented foods!



Incorporating these best foods for gut health into your diet can have a huge impact on your gut microbiome. 

  • Psyllium is the gut superhero that restores balance and even boosts athletic performance. Talk about a multitasker!
  • Artichoke is not just a fancy appetizer. It’s packed with inulin and naren, which bring in the good bacteria and fight off those pesky free radicals.
  • Bone broth is the ultimate gut healer, reducing inflammation and strengthening your intestinal junctions. 
  • Flax seeds are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber and can have a positive impact on insulin sensitivity. 
  • Ginger increases gut motility and gastric acid
  • Garlic provides dietary fiber and is rich with antibiotic and antifungal compounds
  • Fermented foods encourage the growth of a diverse crowd of microbes that help keep your gut health in check. 

The next time you’re packing your lunch or creating a meal plan for the week, try incorporating these ingredients that will keep your gut feeling happy and healthy!  


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