7 Ways To Make Yourself Happier In The Next Hour

7 Ways To Make Yourself Happier In The Next Hour


Do you struggle to find ways to lift your mood? We all go through difficult times when happiness seems elusive. But feeling better doesn’t always require grand gestures or major life overhauls. Sometimes a simple change in routine or small shift in perspective can make a world of difference!

In this article, we’ll share seven simple ways to instantly boost your mood. And the best part is: each of these easy life-hacks can be achieved in less than an hour, giving you a variety of strategies to combat the blues and cultivate a sense of peaceful well-being.   

We’ll explore how increased social interaction in daily life – even the briefest conversations with strangers – has been proven to improve mood. 

We’ll also discover how giving back to others, through volunteering and expressions of gratitude, has the extra benefit of increasing your own sense of purpose and self-worth. 

Finally, we’ll discuss several self-care practices – including spending more time in nature, relaxing in the bath, fitting more physical activity into your routine, and improving your sleep hygiene – that have an immediate positive impact on mood.       

Keep reading to learn how to nurture your happiness in the short-term, and make step-by-step progress toward long-term fulfillment and well-being!

1. The Power of Social Interactions In Boosting Happiness

When it comes to achieving true happiness and significantly higher life satisfaction, social interactions play an essential role. The connection between our emotional well-being and the relationships we cultivate is undeniable.

The Science Behind Our Interactions With Strangers

Engaging with people outside of our immediate circle has surprising, proven benefits for mental wellness. In fact, even fleeting encounters with unfamiliar faces have been shown to stimulate parts of the brain associated with reward processing and self-worth. 

Research indicates such casual exchanges activate areas like the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), which boosts feelings of positivity about oneself.

Fostering Connections In Everyday Life

Social interaction isn’t just limited to planned gatherings or events; everyday life offers countless opportunities for meaningful engagement. All it takes is a little bravery and open-mindedness to start a conversation!       

A quick chat while waiting at your local coffee shop or exchanging pleasantries during grocery shopping trips could make all the difference to your own happiness and spread joy to others. Even something as simple as sharing a smile on your daily walk has potential benefits. Each encounter contributes towards creating a socially and emotionally fulfilling life.

2. Volunteering As A Pathway To Happiness & Self-Worth 

The pursuit of happiness is often focused exclusively on one’s personal goals and desires. But what if there was a route to happiness that also contributed positively to the world around you? That’s where volunteering comes into play!

Giving back through volunteering can lead you on a journey toward significantly higher life satisfaction. Research findings support this claim, demonstrating that volunteers experience lower rates of depressive symptoms and reduced psychological distress compared to non-volunteers.

Becoming useful to others and to your community as a volunteer can provide a strong sense of satisfaction, purpose, and self-worth. 

Whether you have special skills or just a bit of free time, there will be many local organizations and projects that need help from people like you! Try reaching out to an organization whose mission you believe in, or get creative and spearhead a project that would benefit your community. 

3. Cultivating Gratitude For Emotional Fulfillment

An extremely simple and profoundly effective way to boost your own emotional well-being is to practice cultivating gratitude. Research indicates that regularly practicing gratitude contributes significantly towards greater life satisfaction and true happiness.

Expressing appreciation not only makes us more attentive to fleeting moments of joy, but also fosters long-term contentment in our everyday lives. 

Maintaining A Gratitude Journal

The practice of keeping a daily record of things you’re grateful for has been linked to improved mental wellness and emotional well-being. Studies suggest that a consistent journaling routine lowers depressive symptoms while boosting mood levels considerably over time. Try following one of these prompts to get started with your gratitude journal: 

  1. Jot down three items or experiences, however mundane, that you are thankful for today.  
  2. Appreciate small details and sensations: record what did you see, hear, and feel around you while journaling on a park bench, local library, or at your kitchen table. 
  3. Consider a recent experience that raised negative feelings or caused stress: try to reframe how you think about that experience by focusing on its positive aspects.    

Expressing Thanks Directly To Others

Another tangible way to cultivate a sense of thankfulness is to directly acknowledge those around you who make a positive difference and deserve recognition for it, whether they’re family members, friends, colleagues, or strangers.

Expressions of thanks boost both the giver’s and receiver’s mood, fostering mutual understanding and respect. This strengthens social bonds and contributes to a healthier social environment, which can have a long-lasting effect on your happiness by increasing your feeling of connectedness within your larger network.

4. Nature’s Role In Enhancing Mood & Reducing Stress

Immersing yourself in the natural environment for even a short amount of time – breathing fresh air, listening to nature’s symphony of rustling leaves and birdsong, walking on grass, and feeling the warmth of sunlight on your skin – can instantly usher in positive emotions and feelings of wellness and vitality.  

Emerging research illustrates that exposure to green spaces diminishes mental distress, bolsters mood, and fosters overall happiness.  

Quick Walks Through Nature – A Simple Yet Effective Mood Booster

The daily grind often makes it tough to carve out time for long walks or hikes amidst nature. However, you can reap all the benefits of exposure to nature from just a brisk walk through a park or garden on your lunch break.  

If you live in a highly urbanized area without a park nearby, even introducing a few plants to your workspace can have a positive impact on mood.

Taking regular, conscious, short breaks from digital screens, artificial lighting, and the constant influx of notifications from your inbox not only helps to lift low moods, but also enhances your focus when it’s time to return to work. 

5. The Mental Benefits of Taking Baths 

Indulging in a hot soak in the bathtub has surprising benefits beyond personal hygiene. Research has shown that taking baths not only helps to clean the body and soothe sore muscles, but also has a significant positive impact on mood. 

For those who enjoy taking baths, it can serve as a powerful self-care practice that reduces stress, promotes deep relaxation, and aids in sleep.  

Making Bath Time Even More Relaxing

To enhance these benefits further, consider incorporating calming and aesthetically pleasing elements into your bath time ritual. 

Personalization is a key aspect of nurturing your happiness through self-care: add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the tub, such as lavender or eucalyptus, or play your favorite song during bath time to create an atmosphere conducive to enjoyment and relaxation. 

6. How Exercise Instantly Boosts Your Mood     

Regular exercise is powerfully effective in managing mental wellness. A number of studies have highlighted how even brief bursts of physical activity can combat low mood and contribute to an emotionally fulfilling life.

Vigorous physical activity like cardiovascular exercise produces endorphins in the brain, which boost mood. These hormones not only lower stress levels but also enhance sleep quality, another crucial factor for improved emotional well-being. 

Beyond these physiological benefits, it can be profoundly satisfying to see tangible improvements in your physical wellness from consistent workouts. This sense of accomplishment fuels self-esteem and body positivity, both significant factors in long-term well-being.

Fitting Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule

With some creativity and flexibility, you’ll find that there are many surprisingly easy ways to incorporate short sessions of physical activity into your busy schedule. 

One simple yet effective strategy is to turn errands, such as grocery shopping trips, into mini workout sessions: walk instead of driving if possible; carry your basket rather than pushing a cart; take the stairs instead of the elevator at malls and department stores. Small changes like these can significantly increase your amount of weekly exercise while you accomplish routine tasks!

Lunch breaks offer another golden opportunity for physical activity: combine a short workout with time spent in nature by taking a brisk walk through a park or the streets surrounding your home or office. 

You can also incorporate simple exercises, such as stretching, during TV commercials. Every little bit adds up over time! And remember—consistency trumps intensity when it comes to building sustainable habits for better mental and physical well-being.

7. The Importance of Good Sleep For Happiness & Well-Being

The final strategy that we’ll address in this article is to prioritize quality sleep, a cornerstone of happiness and overall mental well-being. Recent studies have underscored the importance of sound sleep in our lives, linking it to higher life satisfaction and reduced stress levels.

Getting sufficient rest gives your mind and body a chance to rejuvenate and recharge each night. This prepares you to meet life’s challenges with increased energy levels and positivity. 

Tips For Better Sleep Hygiene

To significantly improve your quality of sleep, here are several tricks that you can put into action tonight: setting a firm bedtime, creating an environment conducive to relaxation in the time leading up to sleep, and limiting screen time prior to hitting the hay. 

  • Crafting A Peaceful Nighttime Environment: Keep noise levels down during late hours, ensuring room temperature stays cool, investing in comfortable bedding materials, and dimming lights close to bedtime stimulate melatonin production. All of these contribute towards making the bedroom an inviting place to drift off to dreamland and wake up more refreshed and positive. 
  • Limit Exposure From Electronic Devices: Avoid gadgets emitting blue light (smartphones, laptops, etc.), which disrupt melatonin production and cause insomnia-like symptoms over a prolonged period. 


Unlocking happiness is simpler than you might think, even when your mood is at its lowest. 

Devoting time to daily social interaction and giving back to your social circle or wider community through volunteering and expressing your gratitude not only benefits others, but can also help you to foster self-worth, satisfaction, and joy in your own life. 

Combine these social practices with dedicated time for self-care to maximize your happiness: spend more time outdoors, indulge in a hot bath, squeeze a short workout into your daily schedule, and prioritize quality sleep.  

By embracing these practices and tailoring them to your own preferences, you’ll be able to lift your mood in no time and create habits that increase your joy every day! 


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